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Delivering for Seniors

"As a leader of the state's Committee on Aging, and a 10-year family caregiver, the needs & concerns of seniors and their caregivers, matter!  But, that's not enough to drive good policy and the legislation to implement it all the way to solid, bipartisan passage in todays political climate.  It takes a dedicated team with diverse perspectives & a sense of 'common purpose' . My Aging Committee has that". 

In 2024, we took a 'Governor's Bill, and a "'Speaker's Bill' and created CT's signature 2024 legislation, raising the bar for Nursing Home care (PA 24-141), and advancing Aging-in-Place (PA 24-39) to a whole new level by making home care Medicare/Medicaid eligible, pending a federal waiver.  More affordable options mattered to seniors and their families.  Having choices, including coverage for home-based care, mattered to us."      - Mitch  

What does it mean for you, or the loved ones for whom you care?

  • AARP research indicates 3 of every 4 seniors would choose to stay in their homes, or with family. 
  • Medicare/Medicaid-eligible folks will now have choices. Skilled nursing, companion services or family-administered care in a home setting will become a matter of choice, pending a federal waiver.  
  • Minor accommodations, like wheelchair ramps, widened thresholds, will qualify for consideration.
  • Consumer protections like, caregiver licensing, caregiver training and oversight will be developed. 
  • Once the waiver from the Federal Government is in place, seniors and their caregivers can learn more about the program, resources, the application processes, certifying, licensing and oversight through online sources and in-person "road-shows" at Senior Centers across the state. 

A sampling of other Rep. Bolinsky legislative deliverables for Seniors:

  • Supported unanimous passage of 2023's PA 23-161, Act Concerning Financial Exploitation of Senior Citizens, creating new protections by empowering banking & financial services providers to disclose to seniors, or their 'trusted agents', incidents of out-of-the-ordinary financial activity for closer scrutiny. Bolinsky, in his capacity as Aging Committee leader, had been fighting for these protections for over five years.
  • Cosponsor of originating legislation to phase-out state income tax on Pension & Social Security income.
  • Cosponsor of 2021's PA 21-69 to deter age discrimination in hiring,
  • Cosponsor / co-introducer of 2019's PA-19-116 to create a searchable database of individuals convicted of crimes, abuse, neglect, exploitation or abandonment of elderly or disabled persons.
  • Long-time advocate for Meal on Wheels as part of our seniors' 'safety net', providing more than nutritious meals, but regular 'wellness checks' for seniors living alone. (PA 19-157)

Mitch is an advocate for our seniors, recognized by AARP & ALZ as a caregiver & legislator


Paid for by Mitch for Newtown 2024, Derek Pisani, Treasurer.
Approved by Mitch Bolinsky.
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